Freescale Semiconductor
RF Power Field Effect Transistors
N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Lateral MOSFETs
Designed for PCN and PCS base station applications with frequencies from 1000 to 2600 MHz. Suitable for FM, TDMA, CDMA, and multicarrier amplifier applications. To be used in Class A and Class AB for PCN-PCS/cellular radio and wireless local loop.
• Specified Two-Tone Performance @ 2000 MHz, 26 Volts
Output Power = 30 Watts PEP
Power Gain = 9 dB
Efficiency = 30%
Intermodulation Distortion = -29 dBc
• Typical Single-Tone Performance at 2000 MHz, 26 Volts
Output Power = 30 Watts CW
Power Gain = 9.5 dB
Efficiency = 45%
• Capable of Handling 10:1 VSWR, @ 26 Vdc, 2000 MHz, 30 Watts CW Output Power
• Excellent Thermal Stability
• Characterized with Series Equivalent Large-Signal Impedance Parameters
• Low Gold Plating Thickness on Leads. L Suffix Indicates 40μ″ Nominal.
• RoHS Compliant
• In Tape and Reel. R1 Suffix = 500 Units per 32 mm, 13 inch Reel.