Linear Dimensions Semiconductor
The LND-2141-PKG Up to 48 Channel Voltage Multiplexer
What is the LND-2141-PKG?
The LND-2141-PKG is an analog voltage multiplexer with up to 48 input channels. Digital logic inputs control selection of the desired mux register. The device can pass either AC or DC signals through the selected line while simultaneously clamping all unused inputs to USEL. The LND-2141 is particularly useful for using a single analysis channel to selectively examine multiple analog sensor inputs using microcontroller control. Applications include embedded systems, position controllers, and multi-channel filters. For customers with high volumes requiring less than 48 input channels, Linear Dimensions can package the LND-2141 in packages with fewer pins.
• Digitally select up to 48 input channels
• Clamps all unused channels to external pin
• Select AC or DC voltages
• Standard logic voltage operation
• Sensor Arrays
• Security Monitors
• Input Devices
• Embedded Controllers