Philips Electronics
The HEF4750V frequency synthesizer is one of a pair of LOCMOS devices, primarily intended for use in high-performance frequency synthesizers, e.g. in all communication, instrumentation, television and broadcast applications. A combination of analogue and digital techniques results in an integrated circuit that enables high performance. The complementary device is the universal divider type HEF4751V.
Together with a standard prescaler, the two LOCMOS integrated circuits offer low-cost single loop synthesizers with full professional performance. Salient features offered (in combination with HEF4751V) are:
• Wide choice of reference frequency using a single crystal.
• High-performance phase comparator ― low phase
noise ― low spurii.
• System operation to > 1 GHz.
• Typical 15 MHz input at 10 V.
• Flexible programming:
frequency offsets
ROM compatible
fractional channel capability.
• Programme range 61⁄2 decades, including up to
3 decades of prescaler control.
• Division range extension by cascading.
• Built-in phase modulator.
• Fast lock feature.
• Out-of-lock indication.
• Low power dissipation and high noise immunity.
Some examples of applications for the HEF4750V in combination with the HEF4751V are:
• VHF/UHF mobile radios.
• HF s.s.b. transceivers.
• Airborne and marine communications and navaids.
• Broadcast transmitters.
• High quality radio and television receivers.
• High performance citizens band equipment.
• Signal generators.