General data
RF 15 (15 x 15 mm) and RF 19 (19 x 19 mm) with distinct key click, for use under an overlay or with RK 90 keycaps. Can be fully illuminated.
RF 15 short-travel keyswitch
RF 15 short-travel keyswitch, non-illuminated
RF 15 short-travel keyswitch, fully illuminated with 2 LEDs
RF 15 short-travel keyswitch, 1 LED spot-illumination
RF 15 N short-travel keyswitch
RF 15 N short-travel keyswitch, non-illuminated
RF 15 R short-travel keyswitch
RF 15 R low short-travel keyswitch, non-illuminated
RF 15 R high short-travel keyswitch, non-illuminated
RF 15 R low short-travel keyswitch, 1 LED spot-illumination
RF 15 R high short-travel keyswitch, 1 LED spot-illumination
RF 15 H short-travel keyswitch
RF 15 H short-travel keyswitch, non-illuminated
RF 15 H short-travel keyswitch, fully illuminated
RF 15 signal indicator
RF 15 signal indicator, fully illuminated, 1 LED
RF 19 short-travel keyswitch
RF 19 short-travel keyswitch, non-illuminated
RF 19 short-travel keyswitch, fully illuminated with 2 LEDs
RF 19 short-travel keyswitch, 1 LED spot-illumination
RF 19 short-travel keyswitch, 1 NC + 1 NO
RF 19 short-travel keyswitch, non-illuminated
RF 19 H short-travel keyswitch
RF 19 H keyswitch, non-illuminated
RF 19 H short-travel keyswitch, fully illuminated